Some other attributes can also be used instead or in addition with a :Returns the name of the :Returns the file name without :Returns only the extension of the :Returns the size of the file (in :Returns the last modified date of the Returns the last modified time of the : Checks if the file type is a directory and returns ‘TRUE’ if it is a directory and ‘False’ if it is not. is the command that returns the full path of the file.

Echo is a command that gives the output of the strings passed as its arguments.size in binary bytes is the value of the size of the file for comparison in binary bytes.Alternatively, ‘GTR’ can also be used which denotes ‘greater than’ GEQ is a comparison parameter which denotes ‘greater than or equal to’.If is a console command that builds conditional branches.If GEQ size in binary bytes echo terminate after the completion /M * /C enables the command for every file under each subdirectory./S is a switch that makes for files search every subdirectory.Here, forfiles is a built-in command that selects a file(s) and executes a command on that file.